How to Get Started with Opt-In Email Marketing
Even though some people might refer to it as the fanny pack of the online marketing world (I think it's more like the mini-van),'s recent acquisition of ExactTarget for $2.5 billion...
View ArticleWeb Marketing Insights from Google Ventures (Part 1)
Actions speak louder than words. This holds true whether you're trying to raise good kids or get your employees to do the things required to be a high-performance company. This timeless adage also...
View ArticleSEO Lessons From Game of Thrones
What have you been doing on Sunday nights at 9 p.m. for the past month and half? If you’ve been watching Game of Thrones, you might be wondering if you read the title of this blog post right. You did!...
View ArticlePPC & SEO for Restoration Companies
It's July 4, 2013 and I've got restoration on my mind (maybe because I'm thinking off all the fire damage jobs bound to be generated by drunk people shooting illegal fireworks from their tinder box...
View ArticleHow to Write a Better Call to Action
My boss has been known around the office to make a fair amount of extremely unusual statements. One of my coworker's favorite Ben Landers quotes is, "Would you look how skinny my legs are? I'm like an...
View ArticleWhat SEO Success Looks Like Today
Google has been on a roll with the Penguin and Panda updates—fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your search engine optimization (SEO) and online marketing tactics! Every day, Google is getting...
View ArticleInvest in CONTENT Marketing NOT SEO
It doesn't take a web marketing expert to recognize that the picture you see online and the real world are two distinctly different places. With a small investment in a new website and some web...
View ArticleRemodelers: Improve Rankings with Content Marketing
If you’re a remodeler looking to get more leads from the web, it’s time to step up your web presence—and your search engine rankings. How? Add more quality content to your company’s...
View ArticleMyths About SEO
“Keywords aren’t relevant anymore.” “Linking out to another site will hurt my SEO efforts.” Have you been hearing statements like those lately? Yes, SEO is constantly changing and evolving, but that...
View ArticleHow to Publish Blog Posts Easier
Blogging—the right way—can be hard. You have to come up with unique and compelling content ideas, find the right words and Ryan Gosling memes to articulate those ideas, and then worry about uploading...
View ArticlePutting the "Content" Back Into Content Marketing
The rise of content marketing has undoubtedly changed the Interwebz—and not necessarily for the better. Content marketing has given birth to an online world of poorly written blog posts, landing pages,...
View ArticleSEO Tip: Get Rid of Duplicate Content
When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), imitation is NOT the sincerest form of flattery. In fact, it could get you a big old wrist slap from Papa Google. We’re talking about duplicate...
View ArticleOnline Marketing Tip: Avoid Writing Bad Copy
Writing great copy isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Blue Corona has the expertise to write great blog posts and landing pages for your website. Blue Corona has a team of in-house copywriting...
View ArticleWhat the Duck Is DuckDuckGO?
When I was working part-time at a Mexican restaurant in high school (to save up for that b-e-a-utiful prom dress I saw at the mall), there were a few behaviors from diners that I was forced to ignore -...
View ArticleMarketing Your Home Service Business Online: Part 3
It’s the final countdown! Thanks for checking out the last post in this blog series on how to approach online marketing for your need-based home service business. It’s been awhile, so let’s recap. In...
View ArticleVideo Killed the SEO Star
Kidding! Video is actually an SEO star-maker. How can video help get your business to the top of the charts? Optimized videos on your website can help increase your web real estate, expand your SEO...
View ArticleWhat Is Keyword Stuffing?
Last Thanksgiving, I got upset when no one at my family dinner laughed at my keyword stuffing joke. Now that I think about it, they never get any of my SEO nerd jokes. For all you non-SEO nerds out...
View ArticleWhy Is Everyone Saying SEO Is Dead?
The other day my boss asked me if I thought I could find a place on Etsy or something that would make custom Matt Cutts’ earrings—as in earrings with Matt Cutts’ face on them. His man crush on Matt...
View ArticleWhy Should I Pay for SEO Services?
Nearly two years ago, Moz’s Rand Fishkin published a survey of how much different SEO companies charge for their services in order to answer the ever popular question, “how much does SEO cost?” The...
View ArticleSearch Engine Over-Optimization
Is Your Site Too Optimized for Search Engines?I feel like search engine used to be so black and white. Actually, my work wife, Hannah, blogged about black and white hat SEO yesterday. In the good ol’...
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